Veteran Resources


VA Suicide Hotline – 800-273-8255
(online chat available at link)
NVF Lifeline for Vets – 888-777-4443

National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 988
(online chat available at link)


AlliedAirlift21 - operates the Afghan Ally Registry, a secure list of individuals and families under threat who are seeking evacuation from Afghanistan. Coordinating with their U.S. sponsors, they assist in validating and completing documentation for State Department review, and work with partnering organizations assisting in this effort.
American Legions – “Focusing on service to veterans, service members and communities, The American Legion currently has about 2.4 million members in 14,000 posts worldwide.”
Feed Our Vets – Since 2008, Feed Our Vets has provided free food assistance to more than 20,000 veterans and their family members, distributing 445,000 lbs. of food.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America – IAVA’s mission is to unite, empower and connect post-9/11 veterans through education, advocacy, and community. Its programs include non-partisan advocacy on Capitol Hill, data-driven research on post-9/11 veteran issues, veterans transition assistance, and community building.
Make the Connection – An online resource designed to connect veterans, their family members and friends, and other supporters with information, resources, and solutions to issues affecting their lives.
Military OneSource – Both a call center and a website, the program provides comprehensive information, referral and assistance on every aspect of military life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all component members of the Armed Forces, their Family members, and survivors. The program is accessible worldwide via the toll-free telephone number ( 800-342-9647) or the website.
The Mission Continues – Empowering veterans facing the challenge of adjusting to life at home to find new missions. We redeploy veterans in their communities, so that their shared legacy will be one of action and service. Through the Mission Continues, veterans serve their country in new ways by engaging in our innovative and action-oriented programs.
National Veterans Legal Services Program – “The NVLSP is a nonprofit organization that has worked since 1980 to ensure that the government delivers to our nation’s 25 million veterans and active duty personnel the benefits to which they are entitled because of disabilities resulting from their military service to our country.”
Next Step Service Dogs – Mission: “to empower positive change for veterans with invisible disabilities such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) through the use of expertly-trained service dogs.”
QL+ Quality of Life+ – Greater independence for injured and ill veterans and first responders to overcome daily challenges and get back to the activities they love. Program Overview and Flyer.
Student Veterans of America – SVA provides military veterans with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and following graduation.
Team Red, White, and Blue – “Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity.”
Team Rubicon – “Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.”
Veterans Bridge Home – connects veterans and their families, in any state of transition, to the community. Through a network of partners, they help veterans navigate employment, create social connections, and settle their families. They look at the whole veteran and connect them to the resources needed to be successful and thriving leaders in the community.
VetCarolinas – an unincorporated group chartered to make the Carolinas the premier destination for veterans. VetCarolinas will network with Carolinas’ communities to find those organizations with like-minded values who may have opportunities for veterans, including but not limited to businesses, academia, non-profit groups and government organizations.
Veterans of Foreign Wars – VFW Mission: “To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military, and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans.”
Veterans Legal Institute – “Veterans Legal Institute (VLI) seeks to provide pro bono legal assistance to homeless and low income current and former service members so as to eradicate barriers to housing, education, employment and healthcare and foster self-sufficiency.”
Veterans Moving Forward – They provide service dogs to veterans with physical and behavioral health concerns.
We the Veterans - Nonprofit/nonpartisan organization that aims to engage and empower the 17 million+ veterans and their family members living in the United States to help build a more perfect union

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